The average house price on LON CAE METTA is £471,037
The most expensive house in the street is Y GAERWEN LON CAE METTA with an estimated value of £750,119
The cheapest house in the street is PENRHYN BACH LON CAE METTA with an estimated value of £297,659
The house which was most recently sold was Y GAERWEN LON CAE METTA, this sold on 8 Dec 2021 for £695,000
The postcode for LON CAE METTA is LL55 3AY
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
CAE METTA HOUSE LON CAE METTA Detached £569,560 £332,000 28 Sep 2012
PENRHYN BACH LON CAE METTA Detached £297,659 £53,000 26 Jul 1996
PENSARN FARM LON CAE METTA Detached £320,610 £58,000 4 Oct 1996
Y DDERWEN LON CAE METTA Detached £417,238 £247,500 28 May 2013
Y GAERWEN LON CAE METTA £750,119 £695,000 8 Dec 2021